My next B-day!!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008


Uau..o mês de julho tbm já era!!!
Esse mês foi muito legal ,fizemos muitas atividades em família...levamos Samuel pra ver a "Fazendinha do Plaza" onde ele tem diversos brinquedos pra crianças e tbm pequenos animais pra q elas se sintam em uma fazendinha e possam ter contato com os bichinhos..Confesso q Samuel n apreciou muito por ele ainda ser muito pequeno mas ele ficou olhando bastante para as aves...tbm os peixinhos,acho q ele gosta muito de pexies e pássaros!!!
Levamos ele tbm na "fenneart" q todos os anos acontece aqui em Recife no mês de julho,nossa foi muito bommmmm,lembro q no ano passado eu fui grávida ,me cansei muito caminhando pois tem muita coisa pra ver....é a maior feira de artesanato da América Latina,com vários expositores,tanto regionais ,nacionais e de outros Países,como Àfrica,Egito....
Samuel gostou pq viu muitas coisas coloridas q chamaram a atenção dele,brinquedos na sua maioria artesanais....
Voltamos na ter na ala os nossos "encontros da Sociedade de Socorro", eu amo essa organização!!!Esses encontros geralmente acontecem nas terças ou quintas de 15 em 15 dias,é um momento das irmãs se divertirem...receberem alguma mensagem....são realizadas diversas coisas nesse dia,mas não é uma Reunião de Aprimoramento.Nesse encontro tivemos alguma brincadeiras,comemoramso as aniversariantes do semestre e tbm eu pude compartilhar uma mensagem sobre a Parábola das 10 virgens,muito interesssante:
10 Virgin Program
Narrator:Matt. 25:1-13 "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. What were the thoughts of the women as they stood at the door of theBridegroom? Five had their lamps filled, but five were left without light. Why were the five prepared? Why were the five not prepared? What does this represent in our lives today? Someday, we too must go forth to meet the Bridegroom. What will we carry? A lighted lamp? Or, will ours be empty? What will our thoughts be then?
1st Woman:
I have been so unwise! I never filled my lamp with oil because I thought so little of oil. I had many of the world's goods: cars, TV's, VCR's, shoes and all sorts of fashionable clothes, the latest cars, jewelry, wonderful vacations, and a beautiful home. I gave my children everything and took them around the world. I ate the most wonderful foods at the finest restaurants, but my spirit hungered and thirsted and went starving through life. I have wasted my life and now I stand at this closed door with an unlighted lamp. Can I be forgiven, a foolish woman with an empty lamp?

2nd Woman:
I thought I was lighting my lamp. I have many good friends. I have a clean house. My family was well cared for. I prepared good meals that took all of my time. I didn't have time to improve my talents. I didn't have time to sing in the choir. I didn't have time to accept church callings. I didn't have time to attend Home, Family, & Personal Enrichment Meeting. Besides, sometimes I was too tired, or didn't feel so great, or didn't like the classes and anyway, I did need some time for myself. My children didn't enjoy church that much and I didn't believe in forcing them to go. I believed in letting them make up their own minds when they were older. For some reason they didn't go on missions, or marry in the temple but someday, I thought. Someday, I hoped. They have all drifted away here and there. Now, here I stand alone without a light.
3rd Woman:
My parents wanted to please me. They pampered me at home, at school, in all of life. Doors were opened to me! But now, I stand before this closed door. I cannot pound on it, or scream and yell my fury at it. All the forces of my personality and the persuasion of my tongue will not open this door for me. Love, compassion, and kindness would have opened it, I missed all these because I was so intent that life should serve me. It's too late. I know now that I should have been the servant of life.
4th Woman:
Oh dear, I stand at this door and wait, but see, my lamp is not lit. Won't you wait until I fill it tomorrow? All my life-long I've promised I'd do each task assigned tomorrow. Tomorrow is here! It is too late. I've procrastinated my life away. Now I know all the promises of tomorrow cannot fill any cup today.
5th Woman:
My lamp is empty! The world was so bright and exciting. So many things to do and so many places to go. Time went by so fast. Where did my life go? I chose glitter over thy light. Oh, but my neighbor is always kind and generous. She has always shared with me. I know she will give me some of her oil to light my way.
6th Woman:
Oh, my friend, I can't give you my light. I would if I could just as I've loaned you clothes, money, food, other things. If only you had developed good habits and clean thoughts of your own; had respect and honor for others; if only you had learned to pray. But you see, you must light your own way to God; you cannot live on borrowed light.
7th Woman:
I did not know what day Christ would come. I learned early in life to read and study the scriptures, so I knew you would come one day. Now I stand at your door and my heart is rejoicing. My lamp is full! I do not know why. Perhaps it is because I accepted the spiritual experiences that began in my teen years. Or because I accepted the challenge to "Come Unto Christ," and have carried that motto throughout life. What a blessing that has been.
8th Woman:
Oh, how glad I am that I set goals for myself so ago. My lamp is full! I realized when I was very young that each choice was an eternal choice with an eternal consequence. How important it is to weight each choice in the light or its eternal consequences. I thought a great deal about oil for my lamp. It was not easy to keep this lamp filled with oil and be prepared. I used to think of it in terms of sacrifice but when the blessings of heaven and earth are ours, is it really a sacrifice? When the Lord has promised us all that he has? Not at all!
9th Woman:
I don't know why my lamp is full. I did so little. I had so few talents. But when the bishop asked me to serve, I was willing and even though it was just a small job. I did help an inactive sister to become active again once. I attended my church meetings, paid my tithing, and prepared and waited for a temple marriage! And now my lamp is full! Why? Do you suppose it could be just those small acts of obedience?
10th Woman:
How happy I am to be here! My lamp is full! But how? Why? What did I do? I did try to make my family life better. I tried to refrain from gossiping and criticizing others. I remembered how blessed I was even when things weren't going as I had hoped. I did strive to obey the laws of the land and the laws of God. But I failed so often! I loved my Savior and prayed often to for forgiveness and to get back on the straight and narrow path. How grateful I am that I tried to follow the counsel of those in authority. How happy I am to be within this door with the Bridegroom. My Savior!
The Lord said unto us: "I will also be your light; I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; all know that it is by me that ye are led." (1 Nephi 17:13).The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has given us guidance and counsel that we might clearly see Jesus Christ as our light. The purpose of the church's programs is to support and assist each of us to realize our spiritual identity as children of God and aid in our spiritual direction, that we might gain oil in our lamps and be prepared on the day of His coming.

Foi muito bom todas nós tivemos a oportunidade de refletir sobre isso em nossas vidas.

Fizemos 19 meses de casado,e pra minha surpresa Eduardo foi quem nos levou pra passear...ele se lembrou q eu tinha dito q gostaria de ir em uma determinada sorvetreia e ele me levou lá :),fiquei muito feliz q ele lembrou...pq ás vezes ele é meio desatento a estes detalhes como ele memso diz...mas enfim foi ótimo,fomos na Sorveteria Bakana´s e Samuel adorou,comeu até sorvete,esse menino é muito avançado pra idade dele kkkkkkkk,depois fomos no Habbib´s e até sfiha Samuel queria ma seu n dei,imagina!!Foi uma noite agradável!
E tbm fui ao centro para ver já algumas coisas pro aniversário de 1 aninho de samuel,é bem verdade quando dizem q a festa é mais para os pais do q para a criança,eu estou animadíssima com todos so preparativos,parece até q sou a criança kkkkk,o tema da festa será do "nemo"....
Recebemos a notícia de que Roberta está grávida,ficamos muito felizes com isso!
Estamos podendo ajudar os missionários mais durante este mês com as mensagens...abrindo as portas da nossa casa para os pesquisadores deles,é realmente muito bom!
Ebaaaaaaaaaaaaa,depois q saí da Primária fiquei achando q estava faltando algo...pois é,fui chamada como 2 cons da Sociedade de Socorro,estou muito feliz,é bom servir!!!
Fomos ao shopping,Samuel tbm adora passear,que bom q ele já está acostumado a sair e não estranha.Depois fomos ao Alto da Sé,um lugar bem conhecido em Olinda,ond emuitos turistas vão para apreciar a deliciosa "tapioca" e é uma delíciaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mesmo,Samuel até queria heheheh,mas ele acabou se contentando em lamber o queijo assado de Eduardo.

Depois vou postar algumas fotikas......

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